Maren is working fast to get caught up! She just received her book on Tuesday and is already up-to-date with her drawings! Here is her drawing of the vase/profiles:
and here is her upside down drawing of Igor Stravensky by Picasso.
Her upside-down drawing of spiderman
Her thoughts:
Much harder than I thought they would be! But I think it was helpful to do it upside down, one line at a time, paying attention to parts and not the whole. I definitely had the hardest time when I got to parts I recognized well – head, hands, eyes, etc. So that must have been that battle between the left & right brain. Very interesting exercise. Later I found myself looking at objects and thinking of them in terms of shapes instead of as the whole object with all the details. I realized that when I knew something curved I felt I had to draw it really curved, but in real life perspective it was such a subtle curve, or often even a straight line that only hinted at a curve at either end. I got lost in each exercise the way she describes – except I think I felt a little more anxiety than she described. My hands and shoulders would feel kind of tense – but I did lose track of time, and overall enjoyed it.
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