
Friday, July 4, 2014

Drawing Share No. 2 Maren

Maren is working fast to get caught up! She just received her book on Tuesday and is already up-to-date with her drawings! Here is her drawing of the vase/profiles:

and here is her upside down drawing of Igor Stravensky by Picasso.

Her upside-down drawing of spiderman

Her thoughts: 

Much harder than I thought they would be!  But I think it was helpful to do it upside down, one line at a time, paying attention to parts and not the whole.  I definitely had the hardest time when I got to parts I recognized well – head, hands, eyes, etc.  So that must have been that battle between the left & right brain.  Very interesting exercise.  Later I found myself looking at objects and thinking of them in terms of shapes instead of as the whole object with all the details.  I realized that when I knew something curved I felt I had to draw it really curved, but in real life perspective it was such a subtle curve, or often even a straight line that only hinted at a curve at either end.  I got lost in each exercise the way she describes – except I think I felt a little more anxiety than she described.  My hands and shoulders would feel kind of tense – but I did lose track of time, and overall enjoyed it.

Drawing Share No. 1 Ruby

Here is my niece Ruby ...

And here is her hand …

A picture of her friend from memory ...

It's neat to think that Ruby is at the age where she is beginning to draw symbolically although both her drawing of herself and her friend have different eyes and mouths. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Drawing Share No. 1 Maren

My sister Maren in Florida has also decided to join the drawing club! And my seven year old niece Ruby may also join in the fun. Here is Maren's drawing of her hand.

Her self-portrait. She mentioned that she looked a bit sad in it but an artist friend was telling me that it's common for self portraits to look sad unless you are copying a photograph. Because you are so focused on the drawing you are working on you tend to have a serious expression. Personally, I'd be a little freaked out by myself if I was grinning! Creepy!


A drawing from her memory - her daughter Ruby.