
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Drawing Share No. 1 Stallion

I'm pretty excited that my husband decided to join me in this although he is a bit behind. Once he found out it was about the brain, he couldn't help himself. He's having to do this on the weekends so he only just completed drawing share 1 - and only the first two pre-instuction exercises. The person he chose to draw from memory ….


And here he is …

He doesn't want anyone to know that he's doing this so he asked I give him a fake name - I thought he'd enjoy being called Stallion.  (It's a little inside joke ;)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Drawing Share No. 2 Marianne

Below are my drawings for our second picture share. This is of a vase/face profiles.

My first upside-down drawing. It's of a Pablo Picasso drawing of Igor Stravinsky. I started at the bottom and moved my way down to his face. By the time I got to his face I had a pretty narrow opening. I did find the hands and head pretty hard!

My second upside-down drawing. My two-in-a-half year old son looked at me with new eyes when he saw this one!

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

I made this site so I can post my drawings for Simcha Fisher's "summer" (it's winter here in Australia!) drawing club. When my boys are napping in the afternoons I'm often tempted to waste my time on the internet and I think it makes me discontent. Doing an activity like drawing seems like a good way to practice living more presently in the moment so I thought that going through this book would be good for me. Also, I thought it would be a nice way to record our life now. I'm hoping I'll be able to draw some nice portraits of my boys when I'm through with this book!  Simcha Fisher seems like an ideal person to experiment drawing with as she likes to laugh - and that's exactly the kind of attitude I'll need to have so I don't take myself too seriously. So, here are my initial pre-instruction drawings .... I was feeling a bit impatient as I drew them.

First, a self portrait done two years ago when I first started reading this book. I didn't get past this initial exercise.

And this was the self portrait I did this time around. I've turned into another person!

 This one is really sad. It is supposed to be my ten week old son from memory but unfortunately, it looks nothing like him! He hasn't really been around that long ...

This is what he actually looks like:

You can find Simcha Fisher and the rest of the clubs drawings here.